Welcome to Zoe's Crafts, the online resource for children's Bible crafts and books.
This part of the website is for parents, kids, families, children's workers, homeschoolers, Sunday school teachers and absolutely anyone who wants to find fun ways to teach the Bible.

Wise owl ministries
Big ideas for little hearts

Wise owl library
A series of books designed to teach the book of Proverbs to children.
Matthew mouse
The story of Matthew Mouse is to help teach children principles of Proverbs. This story is a lesson is about avoiding bad company
Sir Lived A lot
and the quest for the golden happy face
Sir Lived Alot is a story based on Ecclesiastes. It is about searching for what truly matters.
You can download the PDF for you Sunday school or children's event click here.
Or if you would like a paperback version you can buy it on Amazon by clicking the icon on the bottom left or
Interview with UCB
An interview that I had recently on United Christian Broadcasters about my book collection
KNot frozen jelly
Knot Frozen Jelly is the first in a series of books looking at emotions from a Biblical perspective
Good cop Bad cop
This is a video about my story Good Cop Bad Cop. It is about the need to be kind but careful who we trust.
teaching to teach
unique props form things around the house
This video is an introduction to creating memorable props from things around the house that does not require expensive pay-outs.
Sir Lived Alot
The Sir Lived Alot series is designed help us teach Ecclesiastes to children.